Friday, December 22, 2006

11:45pm In GZ...

Everyone is in bed except for me... I am pretty much packed, so is Mutti, and Caroline is, I think, about half packed- we'll finish tomorrow.

At the 11th hour I (with some help) had a lightbulb go off (more like a sledgehammer in the back of the head) about what to get Charles... so will do some last minute shopping tomorrow morning. Caroline also has to get the stroller tomorrow morning.

I picked up my dresses and suit today that I had made, and I am thrilled with them. The brown dress is my favorite I think, but I love them all!!!! Even had some last minute adjustments to be made on the red dress and the brown pants, but they made those within 2 hours and it fit perfectly. The seamstress is truly talented- I can't believe what she whipped up, and am even more impressed with the adjustments she made with just some eyeballing and a few chalk marks.

Mutti is tossing and turning (her knee is really bothering her) and the light (and tick tick tick) of me on the computer is probably driving her batty... so I guess I should call it a night (even though I'm not particularly tired... which is what I get for drinking a coke after 6pm).

Night!!! Tomorrow we leave China to return home!!!!!!

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