Thursday, December 21, 2006


Left: The pagoda that Jordan and I climbed- this was the view as we entered the Temple grounds... it's not leaning, I just can't hold the camera straight!

Right: Jordan on the 9th level of the Pagoda- she climbed all the way up and down by herself! I had to bend over double (head near feet) to descend from some of the upper levels.

Left: Ellie gets blessed: she's with Caroline, who has the white X on her back from her wrap... Jordan is just in the foreground from Caroline.

Right: Buddha as Kuan Yin... I believe it was the Tang dynasty, women were forbidden to enter temples where men worshipped and could not worship male figures like the Buddha, so they draped the Buddha with women's clothing and this evolved into Kuan Yin... (per Maggie, our guide).

More pictures coming soon!!!!! (Off to breakfast)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loved your pics. Waiting on the video. Enjoy your last full day in China. See you all on Christmas eve.