Thursday, December 21, 2006

More pics...

Left: Ellie at the Chen House

Right: detail from the roof of the Chen House- the roof is covered in fantastic shapes of animals and plants, including lions, dragons, and fish.

Left: Bone carving (originally ivory in the 19th century and before) was (and is) a great art form: the dragon detail is about 3/4" wide, and part of a piece over 3 feet in height...

Right: One of the gates inside the Chen House

Below is a link to a quick video that I took mostly because i loved the improvised music that the employee was playing- if I'd thought about it, I would have done some more shots of the house- I didn't relaize how well the video actually took... (Note (9:23pm ET/ 10:23am GZ) I just uploaded it so it may show as not available for a while)

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