Ok, I know, I know, I am 2 days behind. I promise myself I will catch up every evening, but every evening I get so tired...
So, to sum up (and catch up)...
On Sunday, Dec. 10, the day was all about flying to Changsha from Hong Kong. I slept well for the first time- it was bliss to sleep til 6am!!!- and we packed a little before breakfast. I am addicted to the chicken sausages in Hong Kong! Unfortunately, the omelet guy this time around didn't quite cook the omelet all the way and I am a girl who likes my eggs well cooked, so I couldn't really eat it. I did splurge on two bowls of cocoa krispies with banana and walnuts- yum!- and several cups of hot tea. After breakfast we finished packing and headed downstairs. I had promised Caroline that I would pull HK$100 out and buy Starbuck's for us, so I ran out (it was almost 10am when we had to board the bus) to go to the HSBC atm... and was denied for "exceeding my credit limit." WHAT?!?!?!?!!? How did I do that? I ran into the hotel and begged the concierge to let me make a collect call to BofA, and of course I got to "yes, you are overlimit" with the fraud department when I saw our group boarding, so had to hang up and go. I admit to crying on the bus, I was so upset. After a moment I realized what I had done- I had paid most of the month's bills, even those that I don't pay til after the 15th... I was supposed to have used my credit card in Hong Kong but had forgotten!! Luckily, in the Hong Kong airport we found a computer, and I did the big no-no of logging into my account on a public computer... I transferred some money from my dance account to cover it, plus some to get me through til the 15th. I think what frustrated me was that I had over $500 cash on me, but had overdrawn my account because it's sometimes easier to use the Visa than try to convert money. Ah well! Caroline picked up some MaPo Tofu at this little place called Taiwan Beef Noodle to eat in the plane, and we headed to the gate! Even on the hour long flight, we got a snack box of tomatoes, sweet roll, cake, and dried fruit... and the Ma Po tofu was INCREDIBLE. Both Caroline and I couldn't believe how good it was- it was what she had been looking for and couldn't get folks in the states to make!
In Changsha, the plan did not hook to a jetway, so we proceeded down stairs and into a little tram bus that took us just a skip away to the terminal- it startled me a bit
We went to the Dim Sum restaurant that night- Jordan was in a bit of a snit, and wasn't on her best behavior. However, we ordered for dishes: Green Beans, Tofu with mutton, Deep Fried Tofu, and chicken with green peppers. The first dish was diving, the second dish turned out to be mutton TRIPE and I really couldn't stomach it (although I tried!), the third dish might be better described as tofu sauteed in hot oil with chilis, and was also spicy and fabulous, and the last dish had great flavor, but the chicken looked like it had been chopped off the backbone- so it was like bite sized pieces of bone that had some meat on it. An experience! We headed back to the room (Jordan and Caroline early since J. wasn't doing too well), and after a bit we went to bed knowing that the next day was ELLIE DAY!!!!!!!!!
I woke up at about 5am and blogged for an hour (that was the Hong Kong Part 3 post), and then we got ready for breakfast and headed downstairs at about 6:45am. The buffet was wonderful, and I had another omelet, some fruit, cocoa krispies, a small butter croissant, and some tea. We were all excited but still a bit tired. Caroline needed to fill out paperwork at a 7:20am meeting, so while she did that I decided to take shower (which involved playing "guess what temperature the water is going to be in the next 5 seconds")... we got ourselves together finally, met downstairs, and loaded on the bus to meet ELLIE!!!!!
I got to be the family member that ventured out to the local grocery store "Whacko" (seriously)- very small, and probably quite a hectic experience for the employees as a heard of 18 Americans come charging in to find baby formula, diapers, and the all important snacks! I picked up some chocolate Oreos, coke, coke lite (diet coke), and then ventured in to the world of potato chips: I found American Classic Flavor, Texas Grilled BBQ Flavor (better than any bbq chips I've had in the States), and did try Cucumber chips (not bad)- other flavors available included Italian Meat Sauce! I also grabbed cheetos- chicken flavor- and they are surprisingly good!!!
The rest of the day involved sleeping, eating, and Caroline bonding with Ellie (and having Ellie check out by the doctor- she initially had a small temperature but with a dose of Tylenol, she cleared with flying colors!!!). Dinner was a fun experience, and Caroline discovered that Ellie does indeed like Egg, and rice, and bits of noodles! She takes a bottle like a champ- shotgunning it- definitely does not like a poopy diaper (yes, she pooped on schedule!!!!!), and slept well through the night.
The rest of today has been all about eating a sleeping. We ate a good lunch in the hotel- Ellie tried Dragonfruit, scraped apple, and other items, and then that was followed by a nap for everyone. And then... Bowling!!!!!! The Dolton Hotel has bowling lanes on the 6th floor, and I had promised Jordan we would bowl- she has
Ellie is having bathtime with Mommy and Jordan (they want family time- especially Jordan, who just wants it to be the 3 of them), so we are flipping channels. We did catch the Duke v. George Mason game- here in China- it was great to catch some ACC action even if it was on tape delay, and a huge surprise since we only have 2 English channels- BBC news, and HBO.
Tomorrow is shopping at the department store and relaxation time- and hopefully, time to discover more of Ellie's personality as she opens up!
Elizabeth, you make me feel like I am with all five of you. Thanks for keeping your blog page current. I love you very much!
Love the pics. THANKS!
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